What All your Child in High School Needs From His/Her School?

What all your child in High School needs from his/her school? Is your child approaching high school? Well, they do grow at an insanely fast pace! The school years must have swiftly flown by and you would still remember how they must have walked into the tiny-tots section when they were enrolled for the very first time.  It is actually great to indulge in past memories and relive the old days.

However, one also has to be ready for what lies ahead. If your child is moving towards high school, it is critically important that you evaluate their academic performance. In order to make a good head-start for their career, they must receive proper guidance about making strategic decisions. Here is a list of few facilities their school must provide to make them prepared for the next step:

What all your child in High School needs from his/her school?

  1. The Board: Make sure that your child is enrolled at a school with a board that has nationwide, as well as global acceptance. Central boards such as CBSE follow a uniform curriculum all over the country and a vast number of students from CBSE backgrounds churn out and approach higher education each year. This helps in maintaining a uniform competition for everyone.
  1. The Preparation at School: Make sure that you look into the test and exercise pattern followed in the school your child is enrolled at. Preparing for boards takes a toll on the mental health of children if they are not adequately prepared. A good preparation calls for frequent tests and assessment exercises. Students must also receive proper guidance about their weak points so that they can endure and improve well in advance.
  1. Career Guidance: The staff at the school must have enough knowledge about the world of higher education. The child must feel comfortable in approaching a teacher for guidance about the options he or she has according to their level of competence and education.
  1. Teaching Medium: A good school will prepare your child to be fluent in English, as it is a language of global importance. The mode of teaching must be English to prepare them for a world where they would need to communicate with people from all over the world. Not just internationally, almost all national level tests incorporate a mandatory test in English where their fluency in the language is evaluated.
  1. Extra-curricular participation: The school must provide ample opportunities for your child to participate in extra-curricular activities. This is because many institutions for higher education prefer children who have experience in participating in activities such as sports, public speaking, dancing, singing, and so on. Besides, these activities also help in boosting the self-confidence of your children which can be quite an asset when they enter the professional world.

What all your child in High School needs from his/her school?

The Summit School ensures that your child receives all these facilities. It is not a surprise that it is known as the best CBSE High School in Kolkata. The school has a great reputation for preparing children with the best academic records and attitudes of positivity and great self-confidence. The school has shown amazing performance when it comes to CBSE Board results every year.

The staff here is experienced and trained well for preparing and guiding children in their high school. Besides, they also conduct a number of extra-curricular activities to boost your child with qualities such as confidence, leadership, independent thinking, and so on. Enrolling your child at the Summit School, the best CBSE high school in Kolkata would be a great decision when it comes to your child’s education. Admissions are open. Enroll now!

We shared What all your child in High School needs from his/her school?  in this post, For Admission process, fee structure contact us Today or call us at +91-9073681885. Follow us on our Facebook page & Twitter Social Media Profile for latest updates.

What all your child in High School needs from his/her school
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