10 Years of Helping Every Student Love Learning

10 Years of Helping Every Student Love Learning – It is surprising how time passes. It has been a decade since The Summit School was established with the aim of being a center for laying down a strong foundation among students. The school is associated with Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology and has always believed in the overall development of students from a young age onwards so that they grow into wholesome human beings. The school believes in the educational philosophy of Swami Vivekananda who proclaimed that “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in Man”.

This philosophy rings true in the modern world as it is only quality education that can help a person find the right path to living a fulfilling life. Education is not simply about gaining professional success. It is so much to do with how a person deals with the highs and lows of life, as each one of us has a fair share of them already written. Therefore, one has to develop oneself emotionally, physically, as well as mentally to face the challenges of life with our heads held high.

In order to inculcate the approach towards life-long learning among students, the Summit School ensures that the students fall in love with the process of learning itself. The school is very proud of the achievement of 10 years of helping every student love learning. This moment sincerely calls for talking about a few methods the school undertakes while pursuing this herculean task. Let us take a look at some of them:

  1. Allow the Child to Play Adult: We can certainly do away with the notion of adults always know best. It is of course the duty of adults to make sure that children grow in a safe and secure environment, but apart from that, children can thrive on freedom when given in other aspects. When children are awarded an agency to choose what they might want to spend their time doing, they actually feel responsible for themselves. This obviously does not mean that they can live their life uninspected, but a balance can be achieved where children can actually learn from their own mistakes without being strongly guided against the wrongs by an adult. Freedom also inspires creativity and imagination among students which boosts their intelligence.
  2. Constructive Criticism: There is a certain way according to which students must be granted appraisals or punishments. As stated above, when students are given the freedom to act like adults, they are bound to make mistakes. When this happens, the role of the adult is to make them realise the consequences of their actions and what they must avoid in the future. Strong punishments and criticisms often develop fear among children which poisons their creativity and intelligence.
  3. Let them Assess Themselves: The world is always on the path to judge us for our actions. However, it is only we who know the full depth of our characters. When occasionally given the chance to assess ourselves and our growth, we can certainly make a great positive transformation in the way we see life. Visible and accountable growth is the best inspiration when it comes to life and when a person can notice growth in oneself, perceived through patience and hard work, he/she becomes a learner for life. Meta-cognitive strategies of teaching, which provide young children the chance to reflect on their own performances, can go a long way in developing a self-assessing attitude.
  4. Creative Freedom: Learning when combined with creativity, is the best way to make sure that children fall in love with the learning process. The faculty at The Summit School makes sure that children are given enough opportunities to create their own projects and models to explain what they have learned. Combining creativity and learning is an age-old method to boost intelligence in young minds.
  5. Group Learning: Group learning is one of the best ways to foster the qualities of effective communication and confidence among students. When children are provided with the opportunities to express what they have learned in a healthy environment. The staff at The Summit School makes sure that all the children are given equal opportunities to represent themselves without being judged negatively. When children are trained in such an environment from an early age onwards, they tend to become efficient and confident communicators which always acts as a boon for them in both professional and personal areas.
  6. Positive and Healthy Learning Environment: In this age of rampant neck-to-neck competition, the actual reasons behind learning get lost somehow. All that we are focused on these days are scores, grades, and certificates. However, the right way to go about learning is gaining knowledge for the sake of growth. 16th-century philosopher Francis Bacon gave us the quote “Knowledge is Power” and it has proven to be entirely true. Especially in today’s day and age, the right use of acquired knowledge can save us from the doom of falling humanity. Encouraging young minds to pursue knowledge for the right causes not only gives them a purpose, but also a sense of moral strength.
  7. Positive Reinforcement: A plant that grows under natural love and compassion, along with water and fertilisers, tends to bloom wonderfully. We have had a similar experience while raising children. Children who are given positive reinforcements of motivation tend to look at life as a challenge that they can confidently win over. The Summit School provides frequent doses of positive reinforcement when it comes to children’s achievements. Along with these, children are also motivated and congratulated for trying in cases of failure. This helps them to not lose hope and keep trying until they succeed.

If you want your child to be raised in an environment where they are trained for all-around development, The Summit School is a great option. The school is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education, under the Government of India, and follows a very standard curriculum designed by experts in the field of each subject. The school follows the Montessori Method of Teaching and Learning that helps children to learn while engaging in different fun and interesting exercises. Make sure that your child receives the best education by enrolling at The Summit School today!

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10 Years of Helping Every Student Love Learning