What Are The Different Types of Pre Primary Schools?

Pre primary Schools in Kolkata

Child psychology experts have repeatedly upheld the importance of pre-primary schools in child development. In India, we have different types of pre-primary schools depending upon the location and the age of the child. Let us discuss what are the different types of pre-primary schools:

  1. Kindergarten: The first Kindergarten school was set up by Friedrich Froebel, a celebrated educational philosopher in Germany in the year 1837. These kinds of schools were set up by Christian Missionaries in India to provide informal education to children from 3 to 7 years along with some extra-curricular activities. These schools are designed in a manner to assist the natural development of children and boost their creativity and spontaneity. However, they are not affordable for everyone and are accessible to only the Middle and Upper classes mostly in urban set-ups.
  2. Nursery School: Margarate Macmillan, child educationist from England created the concept of Nursery schools for children with working mothers. Its primary goal was to assist in the physical and mental development of the child.  It also serves an important purpose of personality development in the child.
  3. Montessori School: Dr. Maria Montessori realized the importance of a child’s education from a physiological point of view. Therefore, she came up with a Montessori school in 1907 which became quite popular worldwide during the first half of the 20th century. The objective was the individualization of education on the basis of self-learning through self-activity.
  4. Balwadi: With a motive to serve the early educational need of children from poor backgrounds, Kothari Commission in 1966 promoted the establishment of this pre-school system to benefit the rural and backward people. These schools incorporate programs like teaching about the health and hygiene of children, good habits, and social behavior.
  5. Anganwadi: These schools were developed as supplementary to the Balwadi system. Its main objective was to educate children from rural, uneducated, and poor backgrounds about necessary health care, nutrition, and child-rearing.

We’ve seen the basic types of pre-primary schools. Now let’s have a look at The Summit School (TSS). It is a reputed Pre Primary Schools in Kolkata. Affiliated to CBSE, the school is highly recommended for its experienced staff and exemplary environment. The school is driven to provide your child with suitable conditions, care, love, and support to nurture them for a great future. Get your children enrolled now and give them the best education at the Summit School, the best pre primary school in Kolkata.

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