Reasons Behind Teaching Kids Through Science Experiments

Reasons Behind Teaching Kids Through Science Experiments – The teaching and learning process gets abundantly enhanced by incorporating a practical approach to education. Learning by doing not only helps students in clearing their basic concepts but also improves their retention power. During the 1960s, the National Training Laboratories Institute established that children can retain 90% of what they learn by performing the experiments themselves.

This difference is quite considerable when compared to the lecturing and audio-visual approach which marks at 20% and 30% of retention. The major problem considering the traditional education system is that children tend to follow the mugging-up approach to gain good scores during their school education. This not only has a detrimental effect on their understanding, but the learning process itself ends up becoming quite monotonous. Parents and teachers favor those who can score better without recognising the problem with such an approach. A practical approach helps in turning the learning process more innovative and interesting. Children get more autonomy in their learning habits which helps in boosting their cognitive capabilities.

Reasons Behind Teaching Kids Through Science Experiments

An experiment-based education instigates the mind of children to be more aware of all that is happening around them. Practical education is something that can alter all that is wrong with our education system. Under the present conditions, children often experience a lack of concentration while reading and memorising. Though reading and memorising are extremely important, especially for younger children under memory-based learning, these acts in themselves become quite meaningless and hence monotonous. A thorough understanding of the natural phenomenon around us will assist in helping children become more curious and would thus lead to increased productivity. Let us talk about some more reasons behind teaching kids through science experiments.

Reasons Behind Teaching Kids Through Science Experiments

  1. Increased Participation: Children are always drawn towards all things that seem magical and unrealistic. Basic science experiments can ignite the light of discovery among students. Children who are introduced to performance-based education from a young age tend to show a much more participatory spirit in science than those coming from traditional education backgrounds. The idea is not just to undermine one form of education over the other. It is far more complicated than that and the personal interests of children would also account for considerable changes in results. However, the key is to utilise the best from both worlds and understand what is working best for the children. Research-based studies have proven that experiment-based education tends to increase the willing participation of students in the learning process to a considerable degree.
  2. Understanding of Cause-Effect-Based Studies: Experiments help in boosting the understanding of complicated phenomena very easily. Imagine the dread of learning intense formulas just for the sake of theoretical purposes. With experiments, children would internalise the importance of formulas and theoretical concepts and retain them better. Experiments also help in understanding the cause-and-effect relationship with respect to happenings all around us. For instance, a simple evaporation and condensation experiment can help in explaining the phenomenon of rainfall. Even experiments like germination, boiling, freezing, and so on can prove to be very helpful in explaining various science experiments.
  3. Discussions: Experiments can be preceded and followed by group discussions in the class. The teacher can make the class very interactive by asking intriguing experiments about general happenings. It is believed that interactive classes are a key to boosting the cognitive strength among students. It will also help children in gaining confidence in discussing what they feel or believe to be true. Simple experiments that involve sensory perceptions like smell, vision, hearing, etc. can be very helpful in setting up a conversation. The teacher must make sure that all the students in the class are participating in the experiment and the discussions that go around it. Children can also be encouraged to perform experiments of their own in a safe and controlled environment which will be phenomenal in boosting their scientific understanding.
  4. Understanding of our Natural Environment: We have been experiencing environmental hazards for a very long time now. Human selfishness and negligence have led to considerable deterioration of environmental quality. The main reason behind these conditions is the lack of awareness. Children with deep scientific understanding would set a positive tone for our environmental treatment. These children will be the future policymakers and their scientific knowledge might help in saving us in the longer run. Experiment-based learning would also help students to gain a deep understating of all that is happening in our natural environment. This would help in raising smart and aware individuals who can help in raising the quality of the living experience of our entire race.
  5. Increased Observational Skills: The increased curiosity of children engaged in experiment-based learning ae bound to develop exceptional observation skills. When we understand that there is always a reason behind whatever is happening, we are always curious to understand them. For instance, there are reasons behind night and day, seasonal changes, phases of the moon, leap year, and so on. Understanding these simple reasons will further develop our base of understanding further complicated reasons behind natural and man-made happenings. Scientific temperance can solve a variety of problems facing human life today. Therefore, raising children in a practical and scientific environment could lead to improving our lives manifold.
  6. A better Society: Our world is currently facing many critical issues that have no scientific basis. People are treated differently because of their gender, race, caste, creed, and so on. A scientific attitude can be very beneficial in eradicating many such issues. In a country like ours, we have many problems that are rooted in orthodox thought patterns and irrelevant practices. When we accept and embrace a scientific approach, we are looking at a world where everyone is treated fairly and nothing is performed out of sheer traditional value. Even our religious practices have certain scientific explanations attached to them. Developing scientific temperance would go a long way in building a better understanding of religion better and thus improving the conditions of the society we inhabit.
  7. Future Scientists: If your child has a deep scientific rigor, he/she would readily benefit from a scientific environment set up from an early age. We have seen how science has completely altered our living experience over generations. We have better medical facilities, automobiles, heating, and cooling appliance, gadgets, the internet, and so much more. Day by day we have new discoveries aimed at making our lives more convenient and comfortable. Fr the present development to continue along with a deep awareness and concern for preserving the environment, we do need future scientists. Who knows, with proper facilities and guidance, your child could be the next Newton!

The Summit School takes all the required steps to ensure a scientific approach in all that is taught in the school. The school has maintained a well-advanced science and technology lab to assist students in their experiment-based learning. The teachers make sure to walk the extra mile and help students deal with their scientific questions. Experiments are first demonstrated and then children are encouraged to conduct experiments of their own under the surveillance of our staff to ensure safety for all. It is no doubt that the world is opening more and more towards science and pour child could really benefit from the same. Make sure that you plan a bright future for your child by booking a seat at the best CBSE school in Kolkata today!

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