Activities and Events
The Winter Carnival was a pure joyous funfest celebrating the accolades of the past year and welcoming the new. The teachers, students and staff of TSS alike participated in this theme based celebration of games, fun and food. There were four different stalls representing national and international countries . The students were dressed according to the theme of their respective stalls.
It was held within the school premises where the students, teacher and the entire staff of TSS participated in book reading at the same time. Books serve a wide gamut of purposes in our lives from wisdom to instructing on life skills to simply making us laugh amidst stressful schedules.
TSS has an unique teacher-student bond. The teachers of TSS had prepared a fantastic surprise for the beloved students. Every teacher participated in the drama- ‘BharateChaie’ . The students appreciated the exhilarating performance given by the teacher with a loud cheer.
A day well spent with our fire-fighter friends. The Summit team had organized a demonstration of fire drill and fire safety conducted by the fire-fighters of Baruipur. It was a lesson worth learning that how should one move out of the building in case of fire and the ways to extinguish the fire in case of any emergency.
The students enjoyed a lot when they got the chance to go on a trip to the zoo. The complete day was filled with fun and learning. The students carried notebooks/diaries where they noted down points whenever they came across something new. It was wonderful to see the children watching the migratory birds with awe.
The Summit team organized a safety first mission in collaboration with the Sonarpur traffic control team under the name "safe drive save life". The senior students made badges and posters and distributed these badges to drivers and pedestrians who were seen following the traffic rules to promote road safety.
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