Sports Corner

Labour Day 02.05.2019

The labour or the international workers day was celebrated in the school with full zeal. The students of class IX conducted a special assembly, where they highlighted the historical events that contributed to the emergence of labour rights and the significance of the day through a powerful speech.

Fire Drill 13.11.2018

The Summit team had organized a demonstration of fire drill and fire safety conducted by the fire-fighters of Baruipur. It was a lesson worth learning that how should one move out of the building in case of fire and the ways to extinguish the fire in case of any emergency.

Safety First 03.11.2018

The Summit team organized a safety first mission in collaboration with the Sonarpur traffic control team under the name "safe drive save life". The senior students made badges and posters and distributed these badges to drivers and pedestrians who were seen following the traffic rules to promote road safety.
