Online Classes for Nursery Students

Online Classes for Nursery Students 

The current Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill. People all over the world have witnessed the lockdown impacting their life and work immensely. Traditional outings to the market, parks, traveling for leisure, all have been completely discontinued for more than a year. The lockdown, though imposed to protect lives, has had an adverse effect on various organisations and educational institutions. Children pursuing primary education have not seen the face of their schools for more than a year now.

Such a situation could have had a seriously grave impact on their learning, had online education not come to their rescue. With the help of innovative technologies at our hands, education has not been stopped from seeping into the minds of young children. We all understand that young kids are the future of society. Therefore, it is extremely important that their education is not halted, since we are not sure how long the pandemic may continue. Therefore, online education has arrived as a boon for children and their concerned parents. Let us take a look at a few advantages of online education:

  1.  Online education has provided a node for maintaining a continuum in children’s learning process. Had there been no online mode of learning, children would have lost touch with education completely and it would have taken quite a long time to come back to where they were before. With continued education online, they can easily adapt to their advancing learning stages with their growing age.
  2. Experts have come to the realisation that online education has actually proven more beneficial than offline. Children have showcased better retention of knowledge while studying online.
  3. With the online mode of learning, children come in contact with various innovative technologies. This has helped them understand and use technologies at very young ages. Since we know that the future of humanity will be strongly integrated with the internet and other electronic technologies, children engaged in online education can adapt and be prepared for the future well.
  4. Online education has provided the dual benefits of safety and comfort for both students and teachers. The situation being witnessed due to the outbreak of the virus has been very alarming. Therefore, it is a boon that students have been able to pursue quality education from the comfort of their homes under the surveillance of both their parents and teachers.
  5. Online education has helped the education staff all over the world retain their employment. They have been able to continue earning and supporting their households during the pandemic. Had there been no online education, they would have lost their livelihoods, which would have added to the distress caused by the pandemic worldwide.

The Summit School has been providing regular online classes for nursery students and beyond. The school is the Best Schools in Kolkata and has shown excellent management in continuing education online in the face of the pandemic. The school has provided special training to teachers to hold effective online classes for nursery students. The classes are held regularly so that the students maintain a disciplined routine even during the pandemic. Occasional tests and quizzes are organised to evaluate children’s learning and performance. Parents and kids have been responding quite well to the way online classes have been arranged by The Summit School, the best CBSE school in Kolkata. Admissions are open. Enroll your child today!

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Online Classes for Nursery Students