What Should a 3 Year Old Know Educationally

What should a 3 Year Old Know Educationally? Raising a child is a tedious as well as a very rewarding affair. It might seem very intimidating to mold the individuality of a person learning everything from scratch. The child is in a stage where he/she looks at the world from a completely blank perspective. Here lay the responsibilities of parents to help the child comprehend the world in a manner they see fit. Parents often try the best they can do and plan on avoiding any hardships they might have gone through themselves. Initially, the task is to just feed the baby and protect him/her from any danger. However, as the child begins to learn basic movements and speaking, the responsibilities of the parents increase. It is now that the child begins to form social relations with people apart from the parents. Gradually children learn to recognize the world from their own eyes. They sometimes catch up on the names of objects and people around them and sometimes give their own names to things. This is a very interesting and crucial age for growing children. Their minds act as literal sponges soaking in all the information they can get.

What Should a 3 Year Old Know Educationally

Raising a child is a huge responsibility. Parents not only have to protect the growing child from any harm but also have to be responsible about the information their child is learning. Parents must ensure that no kind of violence and foul language is revealed or played in front of the child. To protect the child’s mental health, they must be allowed to freely explore the world, while the parent sits back actively protecting the child from any kind of harm. Education of young children begins at home. From the age of 2.5 years onwards, parents must begin reserving a regular time slot for children where the child’s numerous questions are answered and new words and manners are taught. The mood of these lessons must be light and enjoyable for the child. Parents can also sort to audio-visual technology to help the child learn. Poems and songs can be played while the child dances to them, sing along, or learns the lyrics. Children often learn alphabets in this manner. A three-year-old child must be ready to enter preschool and walk the first step of their formal educational journey. To ensure that your child is prepared for preschool, here is a list of what a three-year-old child should know educationally:

  1. Language: A growing child gets command over their mother tongue between the age of 3-4 years. By this time, they must know how to pronounce their name and tell their age. They must know at least 250-300 words and should be able to string together 4-5 words from legible phrases. They might not be able to narrate stories of incidents very clearly, but must be able to give voice to their thoughts.
  2. Cognitive Learning: A growing brain is a wonderful thing. Children are quite curious to know everything around them and make sense of the world they are living in. You might find this annoying but your child might ask numerous questions about anything and everything. The parent needs to practice patience at this stage and give well-formed answers to the child. This is also a stage of bonding with the parent figure and if exercised correctly, helps in building confidence among children. Apart from the unending questions, your child, at this stage, must be able to identify and name different colours, and must have an understanding of different sizes. Let your child learn with pencils and crayon colours so that they can learn to hold, draw, and fill. You can help your child learn about shapes and colours by helping them out in filling a colour book. The child must also have knowledge about time and how the day progresses. They must be able to differentiate between morning, noon, evening, and night. You can also help them learn about meal timings along with this. You can also help the child learn through simple puzzles, board games, and toys. Make sure that the child can differentiate between all his/her toys and has different names for them.
  3. Movement Milestone: Physical development among children is equally important as cognitive development. Make sure that your child can walk, playfully run, and ride a safe tricycle when he or she is three years old. Engage your child in easy games such as throwing a light ball, jumping, walking forwards and backward according to given commands, and so on. A child must understand the importance of exercising and you can build a special family bonding time where the entire family exercises along with the child. You can also train the child to help in putting on and removing clothes. Active physical development in young children is also a key to unlocking the potential of their intelligence. Therefore, make sure that your child is healthy and active by taking care of his/her nutrition and physical exercises.
  4. Other creative and Social Skills: Now that your child is gradually getting ready for pre-school, make sure that they are at least slightly prepared for what lies ahead. You can train your child in using their hands and fingers well. Delicate tasks such as opening the pages of a book, using age-appropriate scissors, drawing circles, and squares, etc. You can engage your child in small household chores where they can learn to open and close jar lids, fold their clothes, pack a school bag, etc. As a parent, you must also make sure that your child is not suffering from separation anxiety. Help your child develop bonds with other children and elders to help them develop social skills. Your child has to learn to spend at least 3-4 hours away from home on a regular basis. Therefore, make sure that the child is not too dependent and can vocalize his needs clearly.

When you feel like your child is prepared for entering preschool, find a safe space where children can learn and have fun freely. The Summit School Preschool is a great place for young children to learn. The entire staff here is trained in helping young children with their needs and learning. The safety of these children is prioritized over everything. Children are taught social skills and manners systematically and they can engage with other children of their own age group. Choose the best from Cbse Schools in South Kolkata and Help your child develop a strong foundation before entering primary education by enrolling them at The Summit School Preschool today!

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